BIOFACTORY S.p.A. It is one of the top leader composting plants in Italy.
BIOFACTORY composting process is certified with UNI EN ISO 14001 Integrated Management System.
BIOFACTORY uses an aerobic bi-oxidative process to annually recover about 100,000 tons of waste divided as follows:
Through a controlled transformation and stabilisation process of bio-waste, BIOFACTORY produces about 40,000 tons/year of quality “‘fertilising mixed compost” and “fertilising green compost” as defined by Legislative Decree 75/2010.
Quality is guaranteed by a voluntary certification quality mark given to the associates of the Italian Consortium of Composters meeting specific requirements such as product traceability and preferred chemical-physical characteristics.
BIOFACTORY compost, registered in the Register of the Fertilisers for organic agriculture, can be used as is in agriculture – in particular in specialised fruit and vegetable agriculture – and in outdoor growing, to enhance the soil fertility; it can also be mixed with other matrices for the production of professional cultivation substrates and as hobby product used in nurseries. Fertil S.r.l. is responsible for selling these substratum throughout Italy.
The company is equipped with an analysis laboratory for chemical-physical control of the incoming raw materials quality, of the composting process parameters as well as of the produced top-soils. At the company laboratory some chemical-agricultural analyses are carried out, with the aim of formulating the agronomic plans for the use of compost to optimise the application performances.
Since 2003, in order to boost a continuous improvement of the differentiated collection system of its partners, BIOFACTORY issued the Certificate of recovery that is sent to municipalities and transferring companies once a year. Such certificate demonstrates to transferring municipalities that their waste have been actually recovered.
The composting process contributes to a sustainable use of resources:
» Reduction of organic and vegetable wastes to send for disposal by landfills.
» Restriction of the use of non-renewable resources for the production of chemical fertilisers.
» Closing of organic waste management cycle: from the differentiated collection to the use of the finished product.
Less of the 2% of treated wastes is disposed in appropriate plants, in the form of plastic and of other inert materials; more of the 98% of wastes is actually recovered.